
Snow Much Fun Drawing: Winter Update

New Resources in the Works!

Winter is the perfect time for being cozy and curling up by a fire. I have been doing just that, with my sketch book close at hand designing new images. I’ve also been trying to get out in the sunshine whenever I can, taking some paper and pencils along to keep drawing when the inspiration hits – even at the top of a hike!

Snow much fun drawing at the top of a hike 🙂

The last few months I have been completing drawings for competency and social skills themes. I am so excited at how they are turning out and will be incorporating them into 4 or 5 new packages this spring. Here is a wee sneak peak of what I have been up to…


Oh, and I couldn’t resist drawing an image for my hubby’s blog this past weekend too 😉 …


Stay tuned for more to come as I polish off my new sets and release them in the spring!!  In the meantime you might like to sit inside, watch the snow fall, and color 🙂  Make sure to download your free coloring sheet!